Well hello there.   

The official bio that usually follows my work is something to the effect of: Shaun Dreisbach is an editor and writer who specializes in health, fitness and nutrition. She lives just outside of Burlington, Vermont with her husband and two kids. That may be illuminating information for, say, a potential stalker (P.S. I have a dog, pepper spray and a mean roundhouse kick). But no one ever got a job by virtue of geography. Or the ability to spawn. So here’s a bit about me:

I have a voice. Not an Adele-level voice and would score me a legion of screaming fans. I mean the type that conveys smart ideas in a conversational way that readers can relate to. I do point of view. I do trends. And I do serious science—minus the kind of earnestness where, after a few lines, you “click!” and move on. I don’t everever dash things off. I want you to like every word. I want you to double back and re-read a sentence that made you learn something.

But come on, it’s not all about me: Above all, I am a storyteller with a talent for understanding and channeling the voice of a brand to support their mission and goals.

I do my homework. An unreasonable amount of it, actually. I dig digging and I know who to call, what to ask and how to package it all together.

I am a gamut girl. I do service features on how to decipher food labels, sleep better or lose weight (sanely!). I write and edit medical content examining the surge in anxiety disorders, ways to cope with OCD and musculoskeletal issues, as well as the newest ideas in nutrition—like how to eat for your microbiome. I write the songs that make the whole world sing. OK, not that last one. But the mix of style and subject matter keeps life interesting.


I have a B.A. in magazine journalism from Syracuse University, where I minored in sociology and biology—which means I am able to dissect both pop culture and a frog. After moving to New York City and doing a brief stint in book publishing, I went to Working Mother magazine and eventually became their Lifestyle Editor (travel, beauty, health). Then I edited health and fitness at Self before moving 11 stories up in same building to become a Senior Editor at Glamour. In 2005, I traded the honking whir of Manhattan for Vermont—where, no joke, people don’t lock their front doors, and not only do the ATM cubicles not smell like urine, they’re actually air freshened.

I stayed on as a Contributing Editor at Glamour for more than a decade while also writing regularly for Dr. Oz The Good Life, Teen Vogue, EatingWell, American Baby, FamilyFun, USA Weekend and Parents. I have won numerous awards for my magazine work and two James Beard Media Award nominations.

But because no pony should have only one trick, you'll now find me in the digital and ghostwriting worlds, too. I've written several nutrition, cooking and weight loss books for bestselling authors and celebrity nutritionists. And I’ve worked with a slew of major, health-focused digital outlets including Verywell, Greatist, EatlingWell, Hinge Health and NOCD.